To Kill a Wolf is an Official Selection of the 2024 Austin Film Festival. It is a feature length live action drama written and directed by Kelsey Taylor, who was a guest of the Filmmaker Mixer Podcast. The movie is about a woodsman who comes across a runaway teenaged girl and helps her find her way back home. Both the woodsman and the runaway carry a lot of baggage and trauma. To Kill a Wolf explores many difficult topics including alcoholism and regrets (not specified to not spoil the film).
To Kill a Wolf is an emotionally powerful movie, and will definitely leave an impact on the viewer in some way. For me, I felt a lot of what the movie was intending for me to feel- sadness for the characters, even fear and discomfort at certain points. It’s well written, and the two lead actors both did a fantastic job. The script is extremely raw and honest. To Kill a Wolf is an all-around gem.
To Kill a Wolf screened on October 25, 2024 and will screen again on October 28, 2024 at the HIDEOUT at 9:00 PM. To Kill a Wolf is for anyone who has miles to go before they sleep. Get your-redemption fix by watching this gem!
Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Correspondent