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The Beldham is an official selection at the 2024 Austin Film Festival. It is a feature length live action horror film written and directed by Angela Gulner. It’s about a young single mother visiting her mother at a house that may or may not be haunted by the Beldham, a scary crow witch that eats babies’ souls. We watch as she grows increasingly paranoid from the possible presence of this supernatural entity, with hardly anyone believing her testimonies about what she sees.

This film is filled to the brim with disturbing imagery that feels ripped right out of a Junji Ito manga. It does a great job making you feel the fear of the protagonist, and the story is incredibly immersive, tossing us in some very surprising directions. It is a very interesting film that leads the audience to ask a lot of questions as they watch it. I was very on edge throughout its run as I tried to figure out what was going on with the witch.  I was very impressed by the practical effects, color choices, set design, and handling of an infant on set. That little baby was so well behaved!  The twists and turns all reveal a very touching story, which is well worth watching.

The Beldham screened on October 25, 2024 and will screen again October 29, 2024 at Galaxy at 5:50 PM. Don’t miss your chance to watch this movie- it also stars Patricia Heaton, who was terrific!

Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Correspondent