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On The Run is a feature length live action thriller about two sisters whose family turns out to have connections to a group of criminals. It is an action-packed and all-around solid film. There was never a dull moment within its 1 hour forty-minute run time. The plot had a lot of twists and turns, and the suspense and drama all kept it incredibly interesting.  There were some moments- turns and twists of the plot- that had me shocked, but for most of the film’s run I just needed to know what happened next and was left on the edge of my seat. The film also had, in my opinion, a very strong emotional core, and I found the protagonists very root-able. I wanted to see them get out of the dangerous situations they’re placed in just fine, and I wanted their story to reach a peaceful resolution. 

I think the film was strong in all areas, from the camera work to the music choices, to the acting and production value. I really liked the costume design and how it highlighted the differences between the two protagonists- one being very preppy, the other being emo/punk, which conveyed their personalities in a clever way. The script was very strong, and probably my favorite aspect of the film, because it was just very competent and engaging. If you are in the mood for a compelling action-thriller, I’d highly recommend this one for you. It’s free to watch on Tubi.

-Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Correspondent

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