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Gamer was one of the Official Selections from the Portland Festival of Cinema, Animation & Technology’s 2024 festival that accepted the Filmmaker Mixer Podcast offer to review their work. It is a live action series of three short episodes about a young boy named Sam. Each of the three episodes focus on him treating a task or chore he’s given like it’s a level in a video game: in episode one he’s doing the dishes, in episode two he’s doing a lab project and in episode 3, he attempts to complete previously uncompleted classwork. This series is very refreshing because his hobby, video games, isn’t actually treated that much like a bad thing. There’s a lot of charm to be found with this series, particularly with how the video-game level sequences are done. My favorite part, however, is probably the end credits, which themselves look like a video-game.

-Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Correspondent

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2 responses to “GAMER”

  1. katie prentiss Avatar

    Thank you so much for the generous review! We love our credits too- Nick Escobar’s work shines!

    1. Madelyn Avatar

      We appreciate your taking the time to comment.
      We are glad you enjoy the review.
      Madelyn worked tirelessly to provide reviews for those that requested it.
      The feedback to her is appreciated.
      This is Melody posting the reply! LOL