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Dead Whisper is a feature length horror film about a lawyer in Cape Cod who is coping with the loss, but around him, something supernatural is afoot. One particularly strong aspect of this film is the soundtrack. It really brings the story to life and goes above and beyond when it comes to providing each scene with their necessary atmosphere. The music is chilling and beautiful at some points, and suspenseful and eerie at others.

I really liked the choice of location, Cape Cod, and particularly liked a creepy house that appears in the film, which sits in a wheat field and greatly resembles the painting “Christina’s World” by Andrew Wyeth. There’s just something really unique about the dreary atmosphere that the maritime setting of Cape Cod brings about.

The writer/director likely achieved what they set out to do in this ambitious film. Following the plot was interesting because some moments in the film felt ambiguous. The film evoked a lot of curiosity from me concerning its story. I was often wondering what caused the particular events I had witnessed. Additionally, I wondered if there were unspoken connections between various plot elements. In terms of scares, it has a mix of suspenseful scenes, jump scares and subtler scares. If you like mysterious stories or films, I would definitely recommend Dead Whisper to you.

I recognized the lead actor, Samuel Dunning, from another film which was a comedy. While there were a few times in Dead Whisper that Dunning’s character, Elliot Campbell, behaved in a playful manner, his overall performance is somber and serious. It called to attention his great range as an actor.

-Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Correspondent

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