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BASHA was one of the Official Selections from the Portland Festival of Cinema, Animation & Technology’s 2024 festival that accepted the Filmmaker Mixer Podcast offer to review their work.  Basha is about two brothers exploring the wilderness. It’s visually stunning, with its own unique style. I couldn’t tell if the characters were animated in 3D, with a 2D overlay or in really impressive 2D, but either way the animation looked gorgeous. The backgrounds are wonderful, with this colorful, painterly look to them. I was really impressed by the storytelling. It’s almost entirely visual, with very minimal dialogue. It is through the visual language of Basha that the two brothers’ personalities are frequently conveyed. For instance, there’s a scene where the two boys are walking past something and both react differently- according to their character. It is incredibly charming to get to know them through their actions. The film has many brief little moments like this throughout its whole run that really bring these two characters to life. Another great aspect of this film’s visual language is the story boarding. This film has a lot of very meaningful and impactful shots, that brilliantly convey its story.

-Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Correspondent

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One response to “BASHA”

  1. Madelyn Avatar

    a translater service says this is what this review says: (I’m sure it is not word for word but the gist of it)

    Anirban da go ahead, the picture is in Bengali, animation film

    thanks for commenting!