Alone was one of the Official Selections from the Portland Festival of Cinema, Animation & Technology’s 2024 festival that accepted the Filmmaker Mixer Podcast offer to review their work. This animated short film follows a cute little robot who lives by himself on a spaceship and takes care of its human passengers, who are in suspended animation during their journey through the cosmos. There is no spoken dialogue from the robot character, who was really expressive despite his simplistic design. With this expressiveness comes a capacity to empathize with him and his loneliness. The film’s visual style was very appealing, as were the color choices. Another strength of this film is its story, which unfolded with a heartfelt warmth and charm that is difficult not to smile at. It’s a very moving story, aided by the adorable character designs, wonderful soundtrack and sound design, that bring it so much life.
-Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Correspondent