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Las Nogas was one of the Official Selections from the Portland Festival of Cinema, Animation & Technology’s 2024 festival that accepted the Filmmaker Mixer Podcast offer to review their work.  The animated short, Las Nogas, has a uniquely whimsical, wholesome, and hopeful atmosphere. Las Nogas is set in a dry wasteland populated by strange creatures including parakeet/vulture hybrids, anthropomorphic bees, and most interesting are a made up species of creature called the Homeys. These strange creatures work together to achieve a very important goal, and we, the audience, must see how things unfold. The characters, the sets and the animation itself all have a very unique style. I love how all of the characters look. Like the film, they’re strange yet charming. Las Nogas kind of reminded me of something The Beatles would have made. It’s got this very positive, eco-friendly outlook on the world, an unmatched creativity, and a charming weirdness. While I was watching, I was really impressed by just how creative it was, and because of that, I became quite curious about learning the behind the scenes of this film and just how its creators got their ideas, which is not an urge I always have.

-Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Correspondent

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