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Dandelion was one of the Official Selections from the Portland Festival of Cinema, Animation & Technology’s 2024 festival that accepted the Filmmaker Mixer Podcast offer to review their work.  The story turned out to be quite sad, and I think the filmmakers did a good job making you really feel for the protagonist once you saw what happened to her. On top of this, the way the story is told brings this film a lot of rewatch value. Dandelion has some really striking visuals and shot composition. The wind turbine houses made me feel like I was watching someone’s dream put to screen. Those houses, and some of the other imagery, had me very curious about the inspirations that the filmmakers may have had for this work. I was particularly fond of the soundtrack, which had an ambiance that brought it a surreal feeling. All in all, Dandelion was very raw and emotional. While watching, it is very easy to feel the passion that went into making it.

-Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Correspondent

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