Exile, directed by Aaron Erol Ozlevi, is a feature length, foreign-film that was inspired by true events. Set in 1955, this story explores a political crisis between Turkey and Greece that drives a young couple apart. I LOVED THIS MOVIE!!!!!
The opening image had a vibe and color palette with a retro feel, like a matte-finish photo from the 1970s, setting a perfect tone for the entire film. We meet two college students who are in love. Eleni, the daughter of a wealthy, and well-respected man and Sadat the son of a more humble man. Eleni and Sadat’s hopes of marriage become dashed for a variety of factors.
The proud businessman faces deportation from Turkey, leading to the separation of Sadat and Eleni due to complex circumstances. Sharing more would risk spoiling this incredible story, inspired by real events.
I felt choked up the entire time I watched this movie. Set in 1955, the story felt both timeless and deeply moving, reminding me of the enduring impact of human struggles and resilience. I loved the script of this movie, and the editing was extremely effective, seamlessly balancing the pacing and enhancing the emotional impact of each scene. The director told a compelling story and perfectly cast actors portraying characters worth rooting for. It was an incredibly well-crafted film that showcases the talent and storytelling excellence of Ozlevi. Exile is a powerful and compelling film, and I hope you find it as moving and impactful as I did.
Melody Lopez, Producer, Filmmaker Mixer Podcast (posted by Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Correspondent)
Aaron Erol Ozelvi website is http://ozlevi.com