The Pinto Variety Hour was one of the Official Selections from the Portland Festival of Cinema, Animation & Technology’s 2024 festival that accepted the Filmmaker Mixer Podcast offer to review their work. It is the pilot episode to an adult-animated series of the same name. It works very well as a pilot, as I was introduced to all of the major characters and enjoyed watching them quite a lot and gave me a very good feel for what the show was going to be like. One thing I really liked about this pilot was that it wasn’t vulgar or offensive at all, which is the way most adult cartoons tend to be. It instead emphasizes the contrast between its absurd situations and the nonchalant tone provided by its naturalistic dialogue and low-contrast color palette. I think that the style of humor that was demonstrated in this pilot has a lot of potential and I could see this being a show a lot of people could enjoy.
-Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Podcast