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Michael Anthony Brown, Editor (photo credit: Blackwell Studios LA)
Michael Oliver, Editor (photo credit: Ryan Hensley)

“Up The Town?” is the fifteenth and final episode of the second season of the documentary series Welcome to Wrexham. It has been nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Picture Editing for an Unstructured Reality TV Program. Boy, do editors, Michael Anthony Brown and Michael Oliver deserve that Emmy. They managed to take footage that was recorded as events were occurring and make it feel exceptionally cinematic. It felt almost like watching a movie or an anime or something along those lines. They really make you root for Wrexham, and transition seamlessly between shots of the crowd watching the game, footage of the game itself, some up close, some far away, and footage of people watching the game at home. It not only brings you there but makes you feel what the crowd and players are feeling, and through that you feel just how meaningful this team and this game are to them. It is a truly masterful piece of work all around.

-Madelyn, Filmmaker Mixer Correspondent


Update: The above described went from nominee to winner! Pictured below, from left to right, is Steve Welch (another editor on the team), Michael Oliver, their amazing publicist, Emma Rose Rowell and Michael Anthony Brown. Congratulations to all involved! Image courtesy of Emma Rose Rowell.

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